Zheng Ji (纪政)

Candidate Ph.D. student of Computer Science

Box A0703391, 800 Dongchuan Road,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
200240, China 
Phone: (+86) 021 34206772
Email: jizheng@sjtu.edu.cn or jizheng01@sina.com

Research Interest

My current research focuses on computer vision, image process and machine learning.

Education and Work Experience

·        2007.9-now, Candidate Ph.D. student in Computer Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

·        2005.7-2007.8,The 36th Institute of CETC (China Electron and Technology Corporation), Softeware Engineer.

·        2002.9-2005.7,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Computer Application and Technology, Master

·        1998.9-2002.7,Department of Applied Mathematics, Jilin University, Applied Mathematics,  Bachelor


·      许志闻, 纪政, 郭哓新, 李凤瑞, 李文辉, 王钲旋, 庞云阶, "小波神经网络的图像颜色测温方法", 《仪器仪表学报》, 2004S1

·      许志闻, 纪政, 郭哓新, 李凤瑞, 李文辉, 王钲旋, 庞云阶, "基于小波神经网络的炉膛火焰识别和诊断", 《仪器仪表学报》, 2004S1

·      Zheng Ji, Yun-Wen Yang, Si Wu and Bao-Liang Lu, "Encoding Human Knowledge for Visual Pattern Recognition", 5th International Symposium on Neural Networks, Beijing, China, 2008.09

·      Zheng Ji, Xiao-Chen Lian and Bao-Liang Lu, "Gender Classification by Fusion of Face and Hair Feature", State of the Art in Face Recognition, Vienna, Austria, 2009.01

·      Zheng Ji, and Bao-Liang Lu, "Gender Classification Based on Support Vector with Automatic Confidence", 16th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Bangkok, Thailand, 2009.12

·      Zheng Ji, and Bao-Liang Lu, "A Support Vector Machine Classifier with Automatic Confidence and Its Application to Gender Classification", Accepted by Neurocomputing, 2010.4


  • Reconstructed 3D face and bone figures based on medicinal CT slices

  • Flame surveillance system software

·      Support Vector Machine with Automatic Confidence (SVMAC) (Matlab Program)

·      Support Vector Machine with Automatic Confidence (SVMAC) (C\C++ Program)

·      MLGBP Feature Data for Gender Classification

Awards and Hornors

  • Guang Hua Scholarship, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2008


  • swim, music, travel, table tennis