I'm a master stduent in CSE Dept. of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
My advisor is Professor Bao-Liang Lu
My research interests include: Maching Learning, Computer Vision,
Brain Computer Interface, and Graph Theory
Contact me at limu.cn@gmail.com
Time and Space Efficient Spectral Clustering via Column Sampling, CVPR 2011Mu Li, Xiao-Chen Lian, James Kwok, and Bao-Liang Lu
Making Large-Scale Nyström Approximation Possible, ICML 2010
Mu Li, James Kwok, and Bao-Liang Lu
[pdf, with proof, 1M] [project]
Online multiple instance learning with no regret, CVPR 2010
Mu Li, James Kwok, and Bao-Liang Lu
[pdf, 2.4M]

tracking results
Emotion Classification Based on Gamma-band EEG, EMBC 2009
Mu Li and Bao-Liang Lu
[pdf, 0.6M]

experimental environment

Estimating Vigilance in Driving Simulation Using Probabilistic PCA, EMBC 2008
Mu Li, Jia-wei Fu, and Bao-Liang Lu
[pdf, 0.3M]

driving simulation

classification results for one subject

TA of the Machine Learning course
lectured by Prof. Eric Xing and Prof. Li Fei-Fei
Summer 2010
(a photo of us, I was on the first from left, front row)