Study and Employment
Department of CS in SJTU SEP 2012 - PRESENT
No-Negative Matrix Facorization, Community Detection.
Library of SJTU SEP 1999 - PRESENT
Digital Library, Data mining.
Publication List
1. Adaptive Overlapping Community Detection with Bayesian NonNegative Matrix Factorization
Xiaohua Shi,Hongtao Lu,Guanbo Jia
DASFAA 2017 (CCF B类) (URL)
2. Community Inference with Bayesian Symmetric Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
Xiaohua Shi,Hongtao Lu
APWEB 2016 (CCF C类) (URL)
3. Community Detection in Social Network with Pairwisely Constrained Symmetric Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
Xiaohua Shi,Hongtao Lu,Yangchen He,Shan He
4. Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Pairwise Constraints and Graph Laplacian
YangCheng He,HongTao Lu,Lei Huang,XiaoHua Shi
Neural Processing Letters Volume 42, Issue 1,2014 (URL)
5. 知识体系互操作中贝叶斯学习方法应用研究 施晓华等 "情报杂志" 2013(08) (URL)
2016 Shanghai Jiaotong University