Education Background
· Undergraduate student in Computer Science, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Sep.2009-Jun.2013
· Graduate student in Computer Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sep.2013-present
Xin, Yang and Zhao, Hai and Wang, Yuzhu and Jia, Zhongye.
An Improved Graph Model for Chinese Spell Checking.
(PDF on ACL Anthology)
In Proceedings of The Third CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing,
pages 157--166,
Wuhan, China,
Association for Computational Linguistics.
Xin, Yang and Wen, Yimin and Zeng, Desen and Peng, Wenle et al.
Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Recommendation Algorithm for Patents .
In Computer System & Applications (计算机系统应用),
pages Vol. 22(1): 70--73.
NOTE: The work of this paper is completed with the help of Professor Wen, Yimin et al. in GUET 2012.
Xin, Yang and Qiu, Chenhui.
A Dataset Crawled from Siemens Forum.
Dataset Link