SEED Dataset
A dataset collection for various purposes using EEG signals
Experiment Setup
Seventy-two film clips were carefully chosen by a preliminary study, which had the tendency to induce happiness, sadness, fear or neutral emotions.Feature Extraction
Each session is sliced into 4-second nonoverlapping segments. Each segment is regarded as one data sample during the model training.EEG Features
For EEG signal processing, the raw EEG data are first downsampled to a 200 Hz sampling rate. To filter the noise and remove the artifacts, the EEG data are then processed with a bandpass filter between 1 Hz and 75 Hz. Afterward, we extract power spectral density (PSD) and differential entropy (DE) features within each segment at 5 frequency bands: 1) delta: 1~4 Hz; 2) theta: 4~8 Hz; 3) alpha: 8~14 Hz; 4) beta: 14~31 Hz; and 5) gamma: 31~50 Hz. The calculation of PSD and DE of a random variable isEye Movement Features
For the eye movement information collected with the SMI eye tracking glasses, we extracted various features from different detailed parameters used in the literature, such as the pupil diameter, fixation, saccade, and blink. A detailed list of eye movement features is shown below.Dataset Summary
You can find four folders and 2 files in the dataset folder.-
The "eeg_raw_data" folder contains the raw EEG signals of the 15 participants. The inner 3 folders named '1', '2' and '3' correspond to the 3 sessions.
Each ".mat" file (named with {SubjectName}_{Date}.mat) in the folders stores a structure with
fields named "cz_eeg1", "cz_eeg2", ... , "cz_eeg24", which correspond to the EEG signals recorded during
the 24 trials. The architecture of one of the files is shown below.
The "eeg_feature_smooth" folder has the same structure as in eeg_raw_data. Each ".mat" file stores a structure
with fields named "{X}_{Y}{Z}". The "X" indicates the type of feature, which can be "psd" or "de". "Y"
indicates the type of smoothing method, which can be "movingAve" or "LDS".
Linear dynamic system (LDS) and moving averages are two different approaches to filter out noise and
artifacts that are unrelated to EEG features.
The "Z" indicates the trial number.
Each field is in the shape of channel_number*sample_number*frequency_bands, in other words, 62*W*5,
where W indicates the number of time windows in that trial (different
trials have different W because the film clips are not of the same length).
Below shows the architecture of one of the files.
The "eye_raw_data" folder contains raw data of the eye movement information recorded with the eye tracking glasses.
There are 5 files for each session, which are in the following form:
- {SubjectName}_{Date}_blink.mat
- {SubjectName}_{Date}_event.mat
- {SubjectName}_{Date}_fixation.mat
- {SubjectName}_{Date}_pupil.mat
- {SubjectName}_{Date}_saccade.mat
The structure of one of the files is shown here. -
The structure of one of the files is shown here. -
The structure of one of the files is shown here. -
The structure of one of the files is shown here. -
The structure of one of the files is shown here.
The "eye_feature_smooth" folder contains features extracted from the files in the eye_raw_data folder.
The naming of the files follows the "{SubjectName}_{date}.mat" formation. The structure of each file is
shown in the following figure.
- 1-12 : Pupil diameter (X and Y)
- 13-16: Dispersion (X and Y)
- 17-18: Fixation duration (ms)
- 19-22: Saccade
- 23-31: Event statistics
- The "Channel Order.xlsx" file lists the channel names in the EEG placement figure in the order of the channels in the EEG raw data provided in the "eeg_raw_data" folder.
- The "ReadMe.txt" file demonstrates the label of each trial in each session and some other additional information.
Download SEED-IVReference
If you feel that the dataset is helpful for your study, please add the following references to your publications.
Wei-Long Zheng, Wei Liu, Yifei Lu, Bao-Liang Lu, and Andrzej Cichocki, EmotionMeter: A Multimodal Framework for Recognizing Human Emotions. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Volume: 49, Issue: 3, March 2019, Pages: 1110-1122, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2018.2797176. [link] [BibTex]