DCMN+: Dual co-matching network for multi-choice reading comprehension


Multi-choice reading comprehension is a challenging task to select an answer from a set of candidate options when given passage and question. Previous approaches usually only calculate question-aware passage representation and ignore passage-aware question representation when modeling the relationship between passage and question, which obviously cannot take the best of information between passage and question. In this work, we propose dual co-matching network (DCMN) which models the relationship among passage, question and answer options bidirectionally. Besides, inspired by how human solve multi-choice questions, we integrate two reading strategies into our model: (i) passage sentence selection that finds the most salient supporting sentences to answer the question, (ii) answer option interaction that encodes the comparison information between answer options. DCMN integrated with the two strategies (DCMN+) obtains state-of-the-art results on five multi-choice reading comprehension datasets which are from different domains: RACE, SemEval-2018 Task 11, ROCStories, COIN, MCTest.

Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020)