名称 | 大小 | 描述 |
parallelcorpus.zh-vi.zip (下载) |
1.2MB | 用于机器翻译训练的中文越南语平行语料 |
sc2tc.dict.zip (下载) |
17KB | 简体中文与繁体中文对照词表 |
en.dict.zip (下载) |
1.3MB | 英语词典 | EEGDataset.rar (下载) |
458MB | BCI 64导脑电运动想象数据集 |
SEED_Dataset.rar (下载) |
10.8GB | 基于EEG信号的情绪识别数据集 |
lidf.zip (Download) |
27.3MB | 红外-深度人脸图像数据集 |
This course will provide a gentle, yet intense, introduction to programming using Python for highly motivated students with little or no prior experience in programming. The course will focus on planning and organizing programs, as well as the grammar of the Python programming language. The course is designed to help prepare students for 6.01 Introduction to EECS I. 6.01 assumes some knowledge of Python upon entering; the course material for 6.189 has been specially designed to make sure that concepts important to 6.01 are covered. This course is offered during the Independent Activities Period (IAP), which is a special 4-week term at MIT that runs from the first week of January until the end of the month.
The class introduces the theory and algorithms of computational learning in the framework of statistics and functional analysis. It gives an in-depth discussion of state of the art machine learning algorithms, for regression and classification, variable selection, manifold learning and transfer learning. The class focuses on the unifying role of regularization.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is still a research discipline in attempting to understand the mechanisms underlying intelligent behavior and to build "intelligent systems" from variety of mechanical and electronic devices. This course is to offer an introduction to artificial intelligence covering from mechanism, models, algorithm to some typical AI applications as well. The course AI covers the following interesting topics: a brief history of AI, research and philosophical questions faced by AI practitioners, representing and solving AI problems in a state space search formalism, heuristics, connectionism, and specific AI problems such as vision, natural language and robotics.
名称 | 大小 | 描述 |
PPT模板2013V1 (Download) |
2.09MB | 2013年BCMI实验室PPT幻灯片模板,蓝色风格,适用于演讲、讲座、答辩等。使用前请更改幻灯片母版的标题与作者。设计:杜若飞。 |
BCMI标志 (Download) |
21.95MB | BCMI新标志设计源文件,格式为.ai, .eps, .pdf, .png等。表面看上去,BCMI的LOGO是一个正在发光的娥眉月,象征着人类知识探寻过程中不完美的部分。从左边看去,BCMI的LOGO是一位正在思考的贤者,象征着人工智能的力量与广大科研工作者的身影。贤者的嘴角处泛着银色的光芒,象征着人工智能对人类未知领域的探索与征服,而玻璃状的纹理象征着神经网络的交错。设计:杜若飞。 |
BCMI片头 (Download) |
25.25MB | BCMI简短片头,适用于各类Demo前播放。 |